It is pivotal for your pet’s vision that we distinguish and treat glaucoma and different issues with intraocular (pressure inside the eye) as fast as could be expected. We can test your canine or feline’s eyes for overabundance pressure effectively and securely. The test, performed with a gadget called a tonometer, isn’t difficult and doesn’t need sedation.
If not treated promptly (inside the space of hours to days), glaucoma can cause perpetual vision misfortune or even visual impairment. Pets that have endured eye wounds ought to have this test performed. Furthermore, we prescribe that breeds that are inclined to creating glaucoma come in for ordinary estimations so we can screen eye pressing factors and start treatment before any issue gets irreversible. Kindly consider us to talk about whether your pet might be at higher danger for glaucoma.
Summon us right in the event that you notice any of the accompanying issues in either or both of your pet’s eyes: widened (developed) understudies, blurring of the cornea (the ordinarily clear external layer of the eye), red or ragged looking eyes, one eye projecting or seeming bigger than the other, squinting, or tearing. Since glaucoma is difficult, your pet may respond by scouring or pawing at the eyes or scouring their head against the floor or furniture more than ordinary.